Find Talented Artists

And other resources for your events

Grow your network, Increase your income

For Artists, event theatre Owners, concert equipment Owners

We’ve gathered in one place all the resources you need to make your event a success. On (Instarmark) the International Star Market platform, you will find all kinds of talent to help you plan, promote and execute your events. Thus, you will find resources for events such as; concert, wedding, festival, graduation, birthday party, Christmas parties, Karaoke, first communion, religious service, etc.

How Instarmark Works

Explore what best suits your event needs

Make a filtered search to explore talents that best suit your event needs based on your location and your budget. We understand you can be busy and do not have time to do search, we will take care of that for you, you just have to describe and publish your job on our platform and providers will apply to show their interest.

Book a provider for your event

Instarmark is the right place for you to find a multitude of providers in the event industry. You will be able to book Singers, instrumentalists, D-J, Venues, high hand equipment, videographers, photographers, Sound Engineer, Event planner, and other key resources for the success of your event. So, start booking from now on for your events.

Manage your event

We know how follow-up is important to the success of any event, so whether you’re a professional event organizer or a service performer, we provide you the right tools to follow and adjust your schedule at all time until your event is completed.

Our Packages

Pick up a package according to your needs!

As a service provider in the event industry, you need to use the right tools that can better help you manage your activities so that you have time to better serve your clients. Therefore, we provide you with different options according to your needs. So, pick up below the package that can better support your activities. You can always upgrade your package in the future.

$0.00 Month
  • Booking
  • Cover Image on profile page
  • Gallery with more images
  • Multiple Categories
  • Apply for job
  • Job Alerts
  • More Locations
  • Google Calendar
  • Invoice
  • Availability
  • Staff Members
$11.99 Month
  • Booking
  • Cover Image on profile page
  • Gallery with more images
  • Multiple Categories
  • Apply for job
  • Job Alerts
  • More Locations
  • Google Calendar
  • Invoice
  • Availability
  • Staff Members
$33.99 Month
Best Value
  • Booking
  • Cover Image on profile page
  • Gallery with more images
  • Multiple Categories
  • Apply for job
  • Job Alerts
  • More Locations
  • Google Calendar
  • Invoice
  • Availability
  • Staff Members
$19.99 Month
  • Booking
  • Cover Image on profile page
  • Gallery with more images
  • Multiple Categories
  • Apply for job
  • Job Alerts
  • More Locations
  • Google Calendar
  • Invoice
  • Availability
  • Staff Members

Why Choose us

Instarmark connects event organizers and private clients with service providers, such as performing artists, venue owners, equipement rentals, and other key resources in the event industry from any where in the world

Meet new customers

We make it easy for customers to find and book talented service providers like you. The tools we provide our users were intentionally designed so that the link between performers and any event organizer is easy and secure

Grow your revenue

On our platform you have full control over the price of the service you provide. We know how hard you've worked to add values in the industry, so your efforts should be well rewarded.

Build your online reputation

The quality of your service and performance is your #1 priority because your reputation depends on that. An excellent reputation on our platform can lead you to win an INSTAWARD, an international award based on performance. Take your reputation as serious as possible.

Trusted by thousands of people all over the world


What People are saying

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